Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Methods of Removing Rust Stains from Ceramic Tile

Ceramic tiles are made up of natural clay and other material. Ceramic tiles are available in wide colours and designs with an amazing surface finishes in both glossy and matte. Ceramic tile flooring is a great option to be installed in any part of your home, at the same time maintenance is also important for a new look enough after the ages of your flooring. Through routine cleaning with water and a mild soap can bring your floor to fresh and clean. But at times, it could be difficult to remove some stubborn marks like rust stains on your ceramic tile flooring. To remove those annoying stains on ceramic, try these cleaning methods to get your tile looking new again.

These rust stains are the result of wet metal bottoms gets imminent on ceramic and subsequently depositing iron particles on the tile. 

Methods to remove rust stains on your ceramic tile

Method 1-

  • Firstly, clean the stained area with plain water and a soft cloth. Get the area dry thoroughly.
  • Mix equal parts borax and lemon juice in a bowl or a disposable plate. The mixture should be a sticky (paste) like substance. Apply the paste on the stained area and allow the area to air dry completely. 
  • Once the area gets dried out, rinse the ceramic tile flooring with water and repeat until the stain disappears.

Method 2- 

  • Mix equal parts of white vinegar and salt in a paste like substance. Allow it sit for 3 or 4 hours before tile cleaning.
  • Rinse the area with hot water and repeat the same procedure as necessary.

Method 3- 

  • Use any mild cleanser to clean the stained area but make sure to check with the retailer before you purchase. Apply cleanser to the area with a soft moistened cloth and make sure to follow the instructions on the label before you use any cleansers.
  • This cleanser removes the stain and will not get the surface scratched. Then rinse the area with clean water.

Method 4-

  • Apply pumice stone on the stained area to remove rust stains on your ceramic tile flooring. This stone will not harm the finishing of your ceramic.


  • Apply lime juice in place of lemon juice to stains, if the stain still persists in method 1.


  • To be careful wear gloves to protect your hands even the products are natural or non- toxic.
  • Do not rub your eyes after using lemon/ lime juice until your hands are completely washed off.

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